MEI-FUNG (Teresa Mo), a former top artiste manager, left the industry to focus on her family after getting married. As her son Hin (Jer LAU) prepares to study overseas, she decides to resume her career and find her purpose in life. As she unearths a new star in Ching (Keung TO), she draws jealousy from her son and triggers an unresolved conflict between them.多年前一手捧紅多位巨星的經紀人美鳳(毛舜筠),婚後自由選擇告別職場,相夫教子。如今弟弟子軒(柳應廷) 將要到外國報讀的大學,美鳳要求重出江湖,找回人生價值。一次無意間機會,美鳳瞭解了送外賣的方晴(姜濤),找到他在演藝事業各個方面的創造力,將他推上劇場並順利將他打造出成為社會大眾偶像。美鳳職場上鋒芒再露,卻令弟弟深感冷遇,揭開了母女長期未解的情感裂痕。• Not eligible for any other vouchers.• Not valid with VIP and/or Complimentary Passes.• Not valid for purchase with HSBC Movie Card.
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