SCFF: Grandma & Her Ghosts 魔法阿妈(4K修復版) Plot

第1届台北电影奖年度最佳影片The 1st Taipei Film Awards Best Film of the Year第16届芝加哥国际儿童电影节儿童评审年度佳片(动画长片组)The 16th Chicago International Children's Film Festival Certificate of Merit: Animated Feature Films and Videos, Children’s JuryThe film follows a young boy named Dou-dou as he adjusts to life with his grandmother while his mother is away. While initially bored with his new surroundings, he discovers that his grandma is a supernatural expert who regularly contends with ghosts. Soon, circumstances make it possible for Dou-dou to see and interact with spirits, too, resulting in many paranormal adventures as he meets the spectres.七月台,鬼门开。因为爸爸出了车祸,豆豆不得不暂时与妈妈分开,搬到基隆和外表恐怖的阿妈一起住,阿妈再三警告豆豆不可以到后院的储藏室去,但好奇的豆豆没听话,不但偷跑进储藏室还打破了一个贴着符咒封条的罐子。结果阿妈养的黑猫竟然被恶鬼给附身了,更糟糕的是,恶鬼开始阻碍阿妈普渡「好兄弟」,要让这些「好兄弟」留下来帮他做坏事……• Not eligible for any discounts and/or vouchers.• Not valid with VIP and/or Complimentary Passes.• Not valid for purchase with HSBC Movie Card.

SCFF: Grandma & Her Ghosts 魔法阿妈(4K修復版) Trailer Play Online

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