Late Night Ride 开夜车 Plot

A group of social media influencers, led by Nat, decides to explore a haunted road and nearby cycling park, in an attempt to gain more viewers for their channel. Nat purposely breaks some taboo in the hopes of capturing paranormal activities and ends up being haunted. What will happen to her? Jie lost his wife in a car accident and his son, Josh, has not spoken since.

The father and son end up on a late-night bus ride where all dark secrets will be unveiled. Min is a private hire driver who works day and night to earn money for her father's medical bills. Sinister happenings started to occur when she is on the roads and she needs to figure out why before the situation gets out of control.

农历七月,中元节,在新加坡俗称饿鬼节。在这个月里深夜出行会遇上什么意料不到的事?无论是骑两轮的自行车,开四轮的轿车还是乘坐六轮的公共巴士,是否都劫数难逃? 网红小奈为了冲点击率,说服了姐妹们在鬼月一同探索传说中闹鬼的路段及附近公园里的自行车道,拍成视频。为了能够拍到灵异物体,小奈甚至故意触犯禁忌,结果真的招惹了“好兄弟”。她的下场会如何? 一起车祸夺走了阿杰妻子的生命,同在车祸的儿子之后也不再说话。

头七当日,妻子的灵魂似乎回来了,但并不像是为了和他们道别,反而更像是来寻仇。这对父子到底隐藏了什么秘密? 私召司机阿敏为了父亲的医药费不分昼夜的载客。辛苦工作的她结果却被鬼魂缠上了。这究竟是为什么呢?她能否在事情一发不可收拾之前查出祸端? 三个故事,三种交通方式,同样的恐惧。

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