The No. 1 Movie in China, based on true events of the COVID-19 in Wuhan. From the same team who brought us THE CAPTAIN. The movie pays tribute to Chinese medical workers and ordinary people, especially those who worked at the Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital, by focusing on their fight against the COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan in early 2020. On New Year’s Eve in 2020, an unknown virus spreads from Wuhan to other places. The number of patients is increasing at an explosive rate. People are horrified by the powerful and highly infectious virus. The unprecedented survival crisis causes grief and panic. A little-known infectious disease hospital, Jiang Han, is chosen as a designated hospital. Zhang Jingyu, president of the hospital, suffers from Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). Together with the Respiratory Department director, young interns and head nurse of the ICU, Zhang faces numerus challenges and accidents while he perseveres to save patients at the frontline. In a race against time and death, they work around the clock to transform the isolation ward for a large number of critically ill patients. In the midst of the time of the Spring Festival travel rush, facing the threat of the unstoppable epidemic, Wuhan, the thoroughfare of nine provinces, deals with never-ending hardships persistently. With new infections on the rise, critical decisions must be made immediately before dire consequences occur.中国票房第一,由《中国机长》原班人马倾情打造,张涵予、袁泉、朱亚文、李晨领衔主演,易烊千玺特邀出演,欧豪特别出演。 电影根据新冠肺炎疫情防控斗争的真实事件改编,以武汉市金银潭医院为核心故事背景,同时兼顾武汉同济医院、武汉市肺科医院、武汉协和医院、武汉大学人民医院(湖北省人民医院)、火神山医院、方舱医院等兄弟单位,以武汉医护人员、全国各省市援鄂医疗队为人物原型,全景式记录波澜壮阔、艰苦卓绝的抗疫斗争。
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