陳翠梅影片三日談 One Day with Tan Chui Mui's Film Works



票務 Tickets

《没有人的女朋友》/ Nobody's Girlfriend - 2009

2009 | 20min | 中文字幕


日程 Schedule

“You don’t have a choice. Unless you jumped.” John said.

無夏之年 Year Without a Summer

An edgy and powerful science fiction story of a society where everything is perfect, except no one is allowed to speak.

2009 | 18min | 英語片頭


第11屆仁川國際影展 新浪潮大獎 / 費比西國際影評人獎


《蘑菇兄弟们》/ Company of Mushrooms - 2006

One Day with Tan Chui Mui‘s Film Works




2006 | 32min | 中英片頭

荒野BushDefinition 是一個建立於2011年4月的非營利獨立人文推展組織,由一大群愛影片、愛表演藝術的年長義工協作運作,旨在通過展映、演出、沙龍、出版發行和產品銷售等多種不同途徑,發現、資源整合和推展有鮮明個性的獨立人文。


2 - 到場請自備口罩+天府健康碼;



《是在道别》/ To Say Goodbye - 2009*英字

《一个未来》/ One Future - 2009

是在道別 To Say Goodbye

仁川國際影展 / 大阪FILMeX國際影展 / 阿姆斯特丹國際影展 / 澳門國際影展

BUSH DEFINITION is a Chengdu-based organization aimed to popularize the indie culture, established in April, 2011. The organization aims to find, integrate and spread the distinctive indie culture through various ways, including exhibitions, screenings, salons, publications and so on.

A film about food. And about not having any food. For this Chinese family living by the beach, food is a ritual. A crab you catch is only of any use if you can eat it. One day another family comes to buy food. They don't want to go back to their country for anything. The land of the boat people. But what fisherman would set fire to his boat?

She opened the car door, looked out, hesitated.


荒野BushDefinition 在2022年伊始為西安觀眾呈現出的“陳翠梅影片三日談”2副部長片和9部短片幾乎囊括了陳翠梅迄今為止的創作職業生涯——她怎樣用經典作品展現出自我、家鄉與思索。期盼觀眾們在兩天中領略到她做為新加坡影片新浪潮中堅人物的圖像氣質。




And then it is too late to jump anyway.





《南国以南》/ South of South - 2005

NU SPACE 重慶市青羊區奎星樓街9號

編劇簡介 Director's Bio

《丹绒马林有颗树》/ A Tree in Tanjung Malim - 2004

Sook Chen quit her job and decided to go to Peru. Ma could not understand why. In fact, she could never understand what Sook Chen wanted.

3 - 公益活動不設退票,可自行轉票。如導致不便請諒解。

第38屆阿姆斯特丹國際影展 金虎獎

陳翠梅 Tan Chui Mui





地點 Venue

After her singing career fails in Taiwan, Fei decides to move back to Malaysia to open a cafe. She meets up with Pete, an old friend she had not met in 10 years. Pete had just recently closed down his music bar. He brings her to a junkyard to hunt for furniture.

2009 | 13min | 英語片頭



2015 | 13min | 中英片頭

A girl falls in love with a classmate. She knows why she loves him, but she wants to find out why he does not feel the same.

第31屆澳門國際影展 / 第21屆比利時弗裡堡國際影展

此次公益活動非常感謝Cathayplay 華語表演藝術影片、大荒影片、導筒的聯合發起。



南國以北 South of South


影片 30元/ 場, 長片 40元 / 場



《每一天每一天》/ Everyday Everyday - 2009 *英字


每兩天每兩天 Everyday Everyday



2006 | 90min | 中文字幕


Company of Mushrooms is the name of a pizza. In the same restaurant, there's also a pizza called The Long Goodbye. Not everybody loves pizza and not everybody loves mushrooms. And even if you love pizza and mushrooms, that doesn't mean you like pizza with lots of different kinds of mushrooms. With filmmaker Ho Yuhang, a participant in the 2005 Tiger Competition, in and entertaining role as a coarse-mouthed braggart.

1 - 請精確填寫手機號碼,每場前20兩分鐘簽到進場;


2005 | 11min | 中英片頭

Azam comes back to his village, to look for his childhood best friend, Ali. Ali and his wife Minah are overjoyed to meet this long lost friend, who had left the village thirty years ago. They had been following Azam’s news since he became a famous singer, although now Azam is over his peak. Ali and Minah invite Azam to their house. At night, Ali asks Azam to out fishing at the sea. They visit the Pulau Ular island. The whole night, the three of them talk about love, marriage, village folklore, mystic creatures, and the wild boar hunting once upon a time. As the night is ending, Minah demonstrates that she could hold her breath underwater for 3 minutes. Azam tries to do the same, but he never appears again…

2004 | 25min | 中英片頭


沒有人的男朋友 Nobody's Girlfriend

典禮之必要 The Need for Rites


Sook Chen meets a fortune teller on the street. The whole conversation soon becomes unbearable.

陳翠梅編劇散文 45元(原價 52元 )

At the age of 5, Tan Chui Mui made a small wooden stool. At 8, she drove a pickup truck onto a column. At 9, she printed a children magazine. At 12, she finished reading an Encyclopedia. At 17, she has a column in a student weekly paper. At 21, she got a computer animation degree. At 27, she made her first film Love Conquers All. At 38, she gave birth to a child. At 41, she decided to learn martial arts.

9th. Jan 2022 (Sun.) 13:00-21:00

9 KuiXingLou Road, QingYang District, Chengdu



《爱情征服一切》/ Love Conquers All - 2006

《美丽的失败者》/ The Beautiful Losers - 2015


三場通票 120元(原價 140元 ,僅40席)

《无夏之年》/ Year Without a Summer - 2010

報名須知 Notice


Jumping is too painful. It is dark ahead and it is dark behind. So she closed the door.

公益活動信息 Event Info

2010 | 87min | 中英片頭

2009 | 5min | 中文字幕

丹絨馬林有顆樹 A Tree in Tanjung Malim

第31屆克萊蒙費朗國際影片影展-國際競賽單元 最高獎

Scan the QR below to reserve tickets.

The Short film is made during Tan Chui Mui’s CinefondationResidency in Paris, casting another two residents, Nadav Rapid and Rusudan Chkonia. The story is inspired by Nadav Rapid’s “Emile’s Girlfriend”. Tan Chui Mui calls the film her French impression.

序言 Prelogue


影片簡介 Film Info

A fictional autobiographical sketch from the director's youth. A refined and almost imperceptibly sultry film. It barely has the onset of a story. A young woman,still a girl, saunters down the street at night with a man who hasn't been a boy for some time. The mood is more listless than erotic. The dialogues are more bored than poetic, yet there is something contemplative in their strolling and chatting. The man is played by local rock star Pete Teo, but even if you don't know that, his intriguing personality holds the consciously scanty story together. The director used to look down on old people who hadn't made it. She regrets that now.


《仪式之必要》/ The Need for Rites - 2008*英字

《花生与豆腐同食》陳翠梅 文/繪 2021


真愛征服一切 Love Conquers All



聯合發起 Co-organizers


蘑菇兄弟們 Company of Mushrooms

一個未來 One Future

2008 | 13min | 英語片頭

時間 Time


迷人的失敗者 The Beautiful Losers


第4屆里斯本國際影展 長片最高獎

Tag   蘑菇兄弟們 是在道別 美麗的失敗者 一個未來 南國以南 愛情征服一切 花生與豆腐同食 野蠻人入侵 沒有人的女朋友 無夏之年 儀式之必要 丹絨馬林有顆樹 每一天每一天